The course focuses on the science and skills that improve listening and questioning capability for individuals and teams.
We come to understand why most people miss over 75% of what’s being communicated, we learn how to address the eight barriers to listening and we discover how effective listening actively encourages people to remember and share more.
We learn how to ask the right questions in the right way, we explore the twelve question types and why not all questions are intended to seek information, we learn when its best not to ask questions and when to capitalise on momentum to ask those critical questions that create powerful moments of understanding.
We share the latest research and apply proven techniques used by experts in fields as diverse as business, journalism and military intelligence.
This one day workshop is delivered in a face-to-face setting and supplemented by an on-line personal listening profile tool and post workshop coaching to help delegates apply their new skills.
What you can expect to learn:
Models for listening, and how to be an effective listener
The fallibility of memory
The power of effective listening in building trust
The 12 different question types and how to deploy them
The realities of non-verbal communication, and how to deploy what you learn
How context and situation can be critical
When it's best not to ask
What the science tells us about listening effectiveness
How bias, filters and closeness hinder our communication
When asking questions are your living - what can we learn from medicine, journalism and military intelligence techniques ?