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We help you understand how your clients or suppliers think and why they make the decisions they do.


We use our neutral status and experience on both sides of the buying-selling table to have conversations you cannot.


We hold meetings and interviews to uncover “outside-in” insights that enable you to learn what’s said about your organisation and teams when you are not in the room.


We help you understand how and why decisions are made and what you can do to focus your efforts on improving the way you engage with and serve your most important relationships.


We help sales teams identify what they do brilliantly and what can be improved so they can better serve clients and prospects; we help them learn from wins, losses and gone-aways.  We help buyers understand how to get the most from their suppliers and how to create an environment that motivates them to deliver value and innovation.

"Cognis Consulting give us easily consumable insights... This enables us to gain a deeper understand of what's most important to our customers so that we serve them better...  and helps us hugely in increasing our sales velocity"

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